New Order of Mass

Following the wishes of the Bishops of England and Wales, we have now begun to use the new translation of the Order of Mass (the parts which are common to every Mass). In Advent we will also begin to use the new translation of the Proper (the prayers which are particular to each Mass). In due course we will have a new translation of the Lectionary (the readings).

Our first weekend with the new Order of Mass was a little hit and miss! That was only to be expected and it will naturally take some time before the new words flow from our lips with the same ease as the old translation. Until then, we will need to depend on the books and follow them carefully.

Don't forget that it is also strange for the priest, not only in having many new words to say but also in hearing the new responses from the people when used to hearing something else.
Fr Michael Cooke, 05/09/2011